555 Angel Number, 555 Meaning, and 5:55 Guide

555 Meaning
The 555 angel number and 555 meaning can provide insights for your life, especially as they relate to positive change and transformation.

If you keep noticing the number 555, such as seeing 5:55 on a clock or 555 in a street address, you might be wondering if there is an important spiritual meaning for you. Seeing repeating numbers is a sign that your guardian angels are present and they have important messages for you.

In this post, weā€™ll explore all aspects of 555 angel number meaning, including its spiritual meanings, ancient symbolism, and more.

5:55 on a Clock

What does 555 mean?

Here are some high-level meanings associated with the 555 angel number. Weā€™ll go into more detail on these throughout this post.

  • Positive Change
  • Transformation
  • Courage and Resilience
  • Manifestation
  • Fertility and Abundance
  • Healing and Renewal
  • Faith
  • Good Luck

Your 555 Highlights

What does it mean when a guardian angel keeps showing you 555? Here are some ideas:

  1. Be open-minded about changes coming your way. Embrace them with an adventurous spirit! These changes are part of your personal transformation. Your life is getting better and better.
  2. Use your creativity to manifest more abundance in your life. You are on the path to building financial freedom.
  3. Believe that you are worthy of unconditional love because you are.
  4. Envision your ideal life. 555 angel number meaning carries a positive vibration for manifestation.

What are angel numbers?

ā€œImages and numbers are doors through which the spiritual can reach man.ā€1
ā€“ Carl Jung

Before we go into more details about the 555 angel number and what it means for you, letā€™s first take a look at angel numbers in general.

Numbers have important symbolic meanings in our lives, so much so that many of us live our lives by what numbers represent to us. For example, a number in our bank account or on the bathroom scale can have a significant impact on our mood! Or an upcoming birthday can fill us with excitement or dread.

Yet, beyond day-to-day number meanings, angel numbers take things to a whole new level. As the name implies, angel numbers provide insights from our guardian angels.

Angel numbers are sacred symbols that convey messages that express far more than their numerical value. Indeed, as the name implies, angel numbers are signs that your guardian angels, or spirit guides, have important messages for you. These messages serve as clues to help you to navigate your life path here on Earth.

As souls, we are here to learn and evolve. And as we become more spiritually enlightened, we grow closer to God, or Source.

Your angels know that to grow on a spiritual level, you must have free will and you must undergo your own learning processes.

Nevertheless, your guardian angelsā€™ loving presence is always around you. One of the ways they help you is by sending signs, or clues. Sometimes these clues give you answers. Other times they simply serve as validation that you are on the right path.

Clues from your angels will appear to you in ways that grab your attention. Sometimes these clues are angel numbers. Other times they might be in the form of a spirit animal who crosses your path and causes you to pause and wonder. Angel messages might also come to you in a dream.

These signs will stimulate your awareness in such a way that you get an uncanny feeling that there is far more going on around you than what is immediately in front of you in the material world.

But how do you interpret angel number 555 meanings and apply them to situations in your own life? The answer is a combination of understanding the ancient and sacred meanings that have been associated with these numbers and listening to your own inner voice. Knowledge and intuition are a winning combination!



One of the early philosophers who understood the sacred power of numbers was the 6th century BCE philosopher Pythagoras. In many ways, he is the great grandfather of modern-day numerology.

Pythagoras and his followers (the Pythagoreans) looked at numbers as though they were building blocks for all of existence.

For example, the Pythagoreans viewed the number 5, which is a foundational element in angel number 555, as a balance of opposites because it was the sum of an even and odd number.2

Carl Jung

Carl Jung

Another, more recent philosopher ā€“ the psychologist Carl Jung (1875 ā€“ 1861) ā€“ also believed in the sacred power of numbers. Jung saw numbers as divinely inspired symbols.

In addition, Jung developed the theory of synchronicity. The theory describes events or circumstances that seem to have an association and yet which donā€™t have a scientifically proven cause and effect relationship. For example, the number 555 repeatedly showing up in your life is an example of synchronicity.

Sacred Geometry

Fish Scales and Peacock Feathers

Followers of a school of thought called sacred geometry believe that numbers and mathematical patterns, especially those that repeat in nature, are evidence of intelligent design by a single creator.

One example of sacred geometry appearing in nature is a fish scale pattern that appears not only in fish but also in peacock feathers, pinecones, and elsewhere in nature.

Another example is spiral patterns. Spirals appear throughout nature, such as on sunflowers, nautilus shells, coiled snakes, a seahorseā€™s curling tail, hurricanes, and galaxies.

For those who believe in sacred geometry, this repeated pattern is not just a random coincidence. It demonstrates the interconnectedness of everything in the Universe.

The Power of Number 5 Amplified

To understand the significance of what angel number 555 can mean in your life, itā€™s important to look at its components.

To begin, 555 is a master number. A master number is one in which the number in the sequence repeats. As the number repeats, its power is magnified (in this case ā€“ the number 5.) Ancient civilizations followed this belief system, professing that master numbers were symbols that possessed great power.

The number 5 in and of itself is viewed as an auspicious number in many cultures as well as in the fields of numerology, sacred geometry, and nature symbolism.

Here are some examples of the power of the number 5 and what it signifies:

We humans have five senses that help us to navigate the material world: sight, sound, smell, touch, and taste. In addition, we have five fingers on each hand and five toes on each foot.

The Vitruvian Man

Leonard Da Vinci's Vitruvian Man Drawing

The artist and philosopher Leonard da Vinci was well-versed in the fields of sacred geometry and symbolism. He illustrated the human connection to sacred geometry in his drawing of the Vitruvian Man. The illustration implies that human beings were created with divine proportions. Our head, two arms, and two legs (our five appendages) fit elegantly into a circle that overlaps a square.

In da Vinciā€™s drawing, the way the circle and square overlap each other demonstrates the way human beings bridge the gap between the physical, or material, world (represented by the square) and the spiritual, or metaphysical, world (represented by the circle.) Some believe the Vitruvian Man was inspired by a foundational symbol in sacred geometry ā€“ the Flower of Life.

The Pentagram

Three Pentagrams

The number 5 (and angel number 555) are represented in another iconic symbol: the pentagram, which is a five-pointed star. While the pentagram has come to be closely associated with the occult, it is a symbol that dates back to at least 3300 BCE in Babylonia.

Historians theorize that the symbol was inspired by the planet Venusā€™ movements in the sky. Thus, it was originally associated with the goddess Ishtar, whom the Mesopotamians saw in the planet Venus.3 Ishtar was a fertility and Earth goddess.

Ancient Egypt

The number 5 was also important to the ancient Egyptians. They believed that the number represented an area of space, which they called the Duat. In this place, the souls of pharaohs who had died went to rest. The Egyptiansā€™ symbol for Duat was a five-pointed star.4

The Five Elements

In Chinese culture, the number 5 represents the five elements that make up the world: water, wood, metal, fire, and earth.5

Similarly, the ancient Greeks, including philosopher Aristotle, believed the Universe was composed of the five elements of water, air, fire, ether, and earth.

Hindus also believed that the world was made up of five elements: water, air, fire, earth, and space. Furthermore, their deity Shiva was said to have five faces.

For Muslims, 5 is also a sacred number. For example, the Five Pillars of Islam include profession of faith, prayer, alms, fasting, and pilgrimage. In addition, Muslims pray to Allah five times a day.6

In Judaism, the Torah is comprised of the Five Books of Moses: Genesis, Exodus, Leviticus, Numbers, and Deuteronomy.7

The Platonic Solids

5 Platonic Solids

There are also five platonic solids. Named for the philosopher Plato, the platonic solids are three-dimensional shapes that are regular polyhedrons. In sacred geometry, the platonic solids are said to be the building blocks of universal existence and thus evidence of intelligent design, or a divine creator. You can read more about them in detail in my dedicated post on the 5 platonic solids in sacred geometry.


Sea Stars

The number 5 also appears in nature in other ways (beyond our five fingers and five toes.) For example, sea stars have five limbs. In addition, many flowers have five petals, including the columbine, milkweed, honeysuckle, and others.

Native American Culture

On a spiritual level, the number 5 is important in many Indigenous cultures. For example, for Pueblo tribes, there are five worlds: the four underground worlds and a fifth world, which is the present.

Both the Hopi and Navajo tribes describe a spatial view of the world that includes five points: four cardinal directions with a fifth point at the center. The Hopi also view the bodies of human beings as microcosms of the world. Thus, we are constructed in the same way as the Earth, with five vibratory centers: four limbs and an axis at the center of our backbone.

Furthermore, many Native American tribes have ceremonies that for last five days, including the Inuitā€™s winter solstice ceremony and the Apacheā€™s Bear Dance.8

5-Star Reviews

Finally, there is a noted example of the power of the number 5 in our modern-day culture: It represents the crĆØme de la crĆØme, or excellence, as in a 5-star hotel or a 5-star review.

Thus, once you understand the significance of the number 5 on its own, you can see that the number 555 as a magnified version of the number 5 represents enormous power.

555 Angel Number Meaning in Your Life

Guardian Angel

Here are more details on what the angel number 555 symbolizes and what seeing this number can mean in your life:

Seeing the angel number 555 is a reminder of the powerful and loving forces in the Universe. So, if you find yourself struggling with self doubt, or feeling powerless in some area of your life, your angels might be presenting this number to you simply to distract you from the negative thoughts that donā€™t serve you!

Remember that positive thoughts create positive changes. This is how the Law of Attraction works: like attracts like.

Seeing angel number 555 is a personal invitation from the Universe to tap into the good fortune that is accessible to you. The Universe is reminding you that your very existence is a divine gift.

555 Angel Number and Change

In numerology, the number 5 represents kinetic energy, the planet Mercury, and change. Thus, as an amplified version of the number 5, angel number 555 signifies that positive change is coming your way. Number 555 meaning embodies the Buddhist saying, ā€œThis too shall pass.ā€

So, if you see the number 555, it can be a reminder to be flexible and open to a simple or major change coming your way. Whether they are small changes or a major transition, angel number 555 meaning carries positive messages that you are headed in the right direction.


Change on a grand scale is transformation. So, the number 555 can be a sign that itā€™s time to transform an important area of your life.

This could relate to adopting a new health regimen, making a career change, or ending a karmic pattern that has been holding you back. Angel number 555 says: Now is the time to transform your life!

(In addition to the angel number 555, these other symbols of transformation may help you on your path: the lotus flower, frog, turtle, butterfly, and dragonfly.)

Courage and Resilience

Number 555 meaning also signifies courage and resilience. When your guardian angels show you this number, they are sending you a message to tell you that changes coming your way are positive.

Even if something seems daunting, know that you can handle it. Your angels are telling you that the Universe is working in your favor and that everything is in flow!

555 Angel Number in Manifestation and the Law of Attraction


Seeing the number 555 can also be a reminder to you that you possess the raw materials to create the life you want. Itā€™s as though your guardian angels are telling you: You have what you need to succeed! 

Just as followers of sacred geometry view the five platonic solids as building blocks for all of existence, 555 meaning can signify that you can use all of your life experiences, the good, the bad, and the mundane, to create the life you want.

So, if you arenā€™t already doing so, start visualizing! Seeing the number 555 or 5:55 can be a reminder from your guardian angels to pay attention to your thoughts.

As the saying goes, ā€œObstacles are what you see when you take your mind off the goal.ā€ Or another one: ā€œWhere focus goes, energy flows.ā€

The number 555 can also simply be a way for your guardian angels to tell you to focus, focus, focus. Think positively and align your vibrations with positive change.

Fertility and Abundance

Milkweed Blossoms

Thousands of years ago, ancient cultures associated the number 5 with love and fertility. Indeed, angel number 555 amplifies this power.

Thus, 555 is a positive symbol for fertility and abundance. So, if you are trying to conceive or expand your family, or thereā€™s another area of your life that you would like to nurture and see grow, 555 can be your lucky number!

Healing, Regeneration, and Renewal

555 number meaning also includes regeneration, healing, and renewal. Just as the five-armed starfish can regenerate an injured limb, angel number 555 reminds you of your own power to heal and regenerate.

As nature has perfected herself since time immemorial, our bodies are hard-wired to heal.

Similarly, our hearts and minds have a miraculous capacity for renewal. Thus you are being reminded of this when 555 grabs your attention! This angel number is also a positive sign for good mental health.

Good Luck

Three Five Dice

As the saying goes, ā€œThreeā€™s a charm!ā€ Thus, 555 number meaning represents the power of the number 5 three times. It tells you that even if the first situation doesnā€™t work out, or the second, the third time can bring good luck.

555 Angel Number in Your Love Life and Relationships

Seeing the number 555 can also give you hints about your love life, including soulmates or a twin flame relationship.

To begin, the number 5 is the sum of an even and an odd number: 2 and 3. Thus, angel number 555 as it relates to soulmates can be your guardian angels telling you that the attraction of opposites can be harmonious! In other words, your soulmate is someone who will complement you.

While many view the term soulmate as a romantic partner, the truth is that we can have multiple soulmates. Our soulmates are other souls with whom we will learn and evolve with lifetime after lifetime. Of course, this can be in a romantic capacity, but it can also include family, friendships, and other types of partners.

Angel number 555 as it relates to soulmates can be a reminder that relationships are for learning. Therefore, you must not fear change when it occurs in your relationships.

For example, with all kinds of partnerships, itā€™s important that the two people encourage and support each otherā€™s personal freedom and spiritual growth while not feeling threatened by it.

If you are single and feel that you have still not met your romantic soulmate, the number 555 can signify that you must make a change in order for the two of you to connect in this lifetime. This could be a sign to switch up your daily routine, try something new, or even make a big change, such as where you work or where you live.

If you are in an established bond, seeing the 555 angel number can be a sign that positive changes in your relationship will help your bond grow stronger. Just as individuals go through personal transformation, so do partnerships.

555 Meaning and Your Twin Flame

Twin Flames Hear Candles

Another aspect of number 555 is that it can give you insights about a twin flame relationship. Your twin flame is a person with whom you meet and feel an immediate, deep connection.

Some psychics say that twin flames are two people who share a soul. In other words, your soul chose to exist in two different bodies in this lifetime in order to learn and evolve more quickly. However, others say this is event is very rare.

Still others say that twin flames are two people (with separate souls) who will learn some of their most profound karmic lessons when they meet. This is because you are sharing a spiritual journey.

A twin flame will often involve profound connections and synchronicities. It might trigger you in ways that are similar to past experiences. Your twin flame may feel like your shadow self or that you are looking at your own reflection in a mirror.

Twin Flame Connections and Spiritual Growth

Often your twin flame will be a person who has a cataclysmic impact on your life, propelling you to greater spiritual growth. However, the nature of twin flames is that you will push each otherā€™s buttons, which can cause both passion and conflict.

Twin flame relationships can be some of our most profound teachers because they are karmic in nature. Sometimes they are short-term. While other times they can become long term relationships.

The angel number 555 as it relates to a twin flame can be a reminder to pay attention to the way this person changes your life. Is it healthy or unhealthy? If this person challenges you in ways that are healthy, embrace the change.

But keep in mind that a healthy love connection will make you feel happy and secure while still feeling like you have the freedom to be your true self.

However, if the relationship feels constricting or unhealthy, the number 555 can be a sign to make a change and get out of it. After all, if we donā€™t embrace change when it comes to getting away from unhealthy situations, we can get stuck in repeated karmic cycles.

Furthermore, when angel number 555 appears in your life, it can be a reminder to not lower your vibration to someone elseā€™s. Instead, focus on raising your vibration. When you do, you can attract like-minded souls who are in line with you as you seek spiritual enlightenment.

For a more detailed view on what angel number 555 means for romantic love, be sure to check out my dedicated post on 555 angel number meaning in love.

555 Angel Number Spiritual Meaning


On a spiritual level, angel number 555 is a reminder that your guardian angels, or spirit guides, are on your side. We all have free will and lessons to learn in this lifetime. Hence, this is why we face challenges in life.

Still, our guardian angels are around us, looking after us, and helping us to evolve spiritually. On a spiritual level, angel number 555 is a reminder that change and transformation are necessary as you evolve on your spiritual path.

555 meaning also includes faith. Sometimes the Universe reminds us in the simplest ways of the divine energy all around us. Even when life gets challenging, simple reminders can show us that we are here to learn and evolve. Have faith in the process of what your soul is going through on its path to enlightenment.

Spiritual Significance of 55:5 in the Bible

Christians associate the number 5 with the five wounds of Jesus Christ and, ultimately, Jesusā€™ sacrifice as he worked to help people achieve spiritual enlightenment.

Just as the number 555 represents the power of 5 magnified, in the Bible, Isaiah 55:5 talks about how Jesusā€™ teachings (and his suffering) will expand throughout the world:

ā€œBehold, you shall call a nation that you do not know, and a nation that did not know you shall run to you, because of the LORD your God, and of the Holy One of Israel, for he has glorified you.ā€9

555 Meaning in Money

555 Number

In money and financial matters, 555 is a significant number that indicates positive changes for your financial situation.

Your angels can also be sending you a message to reevaluate your relationship with money. Of course, you want to have clear-eyed self-awareness about your financial picture. But make sure that you don’t overly focus on lack, or what you don’t have.

Try to take time to envision and feel what it will be like when you create the prosperity you desire.

After all, angel number 555 is the number of manifestation. When your angels show you this number repeatedly, they are sending you a message to remind you that you are a divine being with the capacity to turn your dreams into reality.

In addition, 555 meaning signifies support. So, be sure to look for the support that will help you create more abundance in your life. This could be through networking or even getting support at home so you can be more productive in building wealth.

Because 555 meaning also includes renewal, it can indicate the opportunity to rebuild wealth after a period of loss.

Have faith that with positive thoughts, focused intentions, and hard work, you can create financial freedom for yourself.

Summary: Keep the Faith and Embrace Change

As a master number, angel number 555 is a sign from the divine that you are undergoing positive change and transformation. Angel number 555 meaning also signifies a new phase of your life.  This may present new challenges and new adventures ā€“ but ultimately positive outcomes.

Remember that your guardian angels are on your side and that you are on the right path. Through positive thinking and using your creativity, you will find renewal. When you envision positive energy surrounding you and you keep the faith in your Higher Power and your angels, you welcome good fortune into your life.

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2 Responses

  1. Thank you for writing such a comprehensive article on 555. Do you have a website and do you blog? For many months I’m having vivid nightmares and always around 5.55 am which I find most distressing …..there HAS to be a reason and I can’t find an answer. Do you give help via emails – as I have had ME/CFS for 36 years which I presume has taken way my hearing now, so phone calls are out.
    Angel Blessings for being who you are…………..
    Always love
    Diane in SC.

    1. Hi Diane, Thank you for your message. I am sorry to hear about your health struggles and the nightmares. I’ve also been going through a period where 555 keeps showing up for me. Feel free to email me at kristen@uniguide.biz and if I can’t help you, I can hopefully put you in the right direction to find the help you need.

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Kristen M. Stanton

Hello. Thanks for visiting UniGuide. My name is Kristen and I started UniGuide as a tribute to nature, animals, and spiritual exploration. I hope you enjoy your experience here!