1010 Angel Number, 1010 Meaning, and 10:10 Guide

1010 Meaning
1010 meaning and the 1010 angel number can signify gifts coming your way, especially as they relate to your spiritual faith, artistic expression, being in flow, and personal success.

If the time of 10:10 on clock grabs your attention, or you feel like you keep noticing the number 1010, whether in a sales receipt, a street address, or some other context ā€“ take note ā€“ because there are no coincidences! Exploring 1010 meaning can offer you deep insights as you navigate your life path.

In this post, weā€™ll explore all aspects of angel number 1010, from its spiritual meaning and cultural significance to how it can signify blessings for your life.

10:10 on a Clock

What does 1010 mean?

Here are some high-level meanings associated with the number 1010. We’ll go into more detail on these throughout this post:

  • New Opportunities
  • Faith
  • Artistry
  • Being in Flow
  • Ascendance
  • Renewal
  • True Love
  • Excellence

Your 1010 Highlights

As the name implies, angel numbers convey messages far beyond the numerical value of the symbol. Thus, when you find yourself noticing the number 1010, it can mean that your guardian angels have important messages to you.

To being, the 1010 angel number signifies that your life is filled with opportunity. So, it’s time to be more open about positive changes and outcomes coming your way.

Here are some quick takeaways for your regarding 1010 meaning:

  • Guard against limited thinking. The 1010 angel number reminds you that thereā€™s a great big world out there that is full of new possibilities and new opportunities.
  • Tap into the gift of your imagination more. You have the capacity to make your life and the world better. Angel number 1010 is the mark of artistry, which you can apply to make things more beautiful, enjoyable, or useful.
  • You might feel like you are at the beginning of a journey, with so much work in front of you. Have faith. The 1010 angel number is a sign that you will ascend. Keep aiming for the stars.
  • Donā€™t let people who donā€™t have your best interests at heart hold you back. 1010 meaning is about ascension. As Joni Mitchell sang in ā€œBoth Side Nowā€ ā€“ keep living!

ā€œOh, but now old friends theyā€™re acting strange
And they shake their heads and they tell me that Iā€™ve changed
Well somethingā€™s lost, but somethingā€™s gained
In living every dayā€1

What are angel numbers?


Before we go into more details on what the number 1010 can mean in your life, letā€™s first take a look at angel numbers in general.

Numbers and what they represent to us play a powerful role in our day-to-day lives. Whether itā€™s a figure in our bank account, results from a medical test, or our weight on the bathroom scale, numbers have the power to affect our moods and outlook!

However, beyond the numbers we live with on a day-to-day basis, angel numbers can appear in our lives and be even more meaningful. This is because, as the name implies, these sacred symbols provide us with insights from our guardian angels.

These spiritual entities, or ascended masters, are in our court, standing by to help us as we navigate our soulā€™s journey.

As souls, we are here to learn and evolve. The challenges we face in life present opportunities for our souls to become more enlightened. As we become more enlightened, we grow closer to God, or our higher power.

Our angels know we have free will and that we are here to learn and evolve. Nevertheless, they are present in our day-to-day lives, sending us clues, and helping us during this evolutionary process.

Sacred Messages from the Divine

Special numbers are just one example of hints from your spirit guides. Another example is when your guides come to you in a dream. Or they might make their presence felt as you watch a beautiful sunrise or sunset or when you experience what seems like a random coincidence.

What these angel messages have in common is that they will appear to you in ways that grab your attention.

Just as an animal who crosses your path and rivets your attention might be a spirit animal who has a message for you, angel numbers can stimulate your awareness in a way that makes you realize something greater is going on around you.

Angel numbers will often manifest themselves in your life by showing up repeatedly. For example, you might be contemplating something important and you look at the clock and notice itā€™s 10:10, or you might get a package with a tracking number that has 1010 in it, or you’ll see 1010 on a license plate.

But how do you interpret angel number 1010 and apply it to situations in your own life?

The answer is a combination of understanding sacred meanings and associations applied to numbers as well as listening to your intuition, or inner voice.

Those who believe in the power of sacred symbols say that numbers carry divinely inspired sacred codes. Indeed, certain philosophers, spiritual teachers, and ancient cultures have interpreted these codes. Learning more about the meanings revealed by these codes can provide you with insights when you need them.

Pythagoras and the Sacred Power of Numbers

A man named Pythagoras was one of the philosophers who believed in the sacred power of numbers. Living and teaching in Greece in the 6th century BCE, Pythagorasā€™ teachings inspired many great thinkers who came after him, including Plato and Aristotle. In addition, his teachings have influenced modern-day students of sacred geometry and numerology.

Pythagoras viewed the number 10 (which is a foundational component in angel number 1010) as ā€œthe perfect number.ā€ He saw it as a symbol of the human soul and a product of divine universal creation.

In addition, Pythagoras noted that the first four foundational steps in numbers: 1, 2, 3, and 4 add up to 10. Indeed, he believed that the number 10 held the key to universal wisdom, or the all-knowingness of God.2

Needless to say, these profound meanings lend themselves well to angel number 1010!

When your angels show you this number, they are reminding you of the miracle of your very existence and your infinite potential. As the Sufi poet Rumi wrote, ā€œStop acting so small. You are the Universe in ecstatic motion.ā€

Carl Jung and Synchronicity


Carl Jung

ā€œThe very numbers you use in counting are more than you take them for. They are at the same time mythological entitiesā€¦ā€3
ā€“ Carl Jung

Another philosopher who plays a role in our understanding of numbers as sacred symbols was the psychologist Carl Jung. Not only did Jung write extensively about symbols and archetypes, he was fascinated with numbers and what they mean to us.

In addition to his writings on numbers and other types of symbolism, Jung created and popularized the concept of synchronicity. Itā€™s a theory that describes events or circumstances that seem to have an association and yet which donā€™t have a scientifically proven cause and effect relationship.

Jung theorized that these types of events could have important meanings beyond the simplified view that they are just random coincidences.

Some believe that angel numbers are examples of synchronicity that are connected to a divine source. So, if the number 1010 appears in your life repeatedly, the theory of synchronicity implies that it means far more than just a random coincidence!

Numerology and Sacred Geometry

Sacred geometry and numerology are two fields of study that also teach us about angel numbers and what they can signify in our lives. Like Pythagoras and Jung, students of these arts view numbers as sacred symbols that can guide us.

They believe that number meanings can help us to answer some of lifeā€™s questions and to better understand who we are and why weā€™re here. In addition, they believe numbers can provide validation for us, such as confirming that we are on the right path.

Components of Angel Number 1010

1010 Meaning Components

As you look for meanings behind why the number 1010 has shown up in your life, itā€™s important to understand the components, or building blocks, of this angel number.

The 1010 Ange Number: A Master Number

One of the reasons that angel number 1010 is especially powerful is that itā€™s a master number. A master number is one in which numbers in the sequence repeat. As the number repeats in the sequence, the power of the individual number that makes up the sequence is magnified ā€“ in this case, the number 10.

Indeed, people from ancient cultures, as well as modern-day believers in angel numbers, attest that master numbers are symbols of great power.

The Number 1

The number 1 appears twice in angel number 1010. The number 1 denotes a start, or a new beginning.

In addition, 1 is the number of the self. Itā€™s as though number 1 is saying, ā€œI am.ā€ Or ā€œI am here!ā€ (You can read more about this in my posts on angel number 1111 and 111.)


Another important element in the 1010 angel number is the number 0. In fact, for centuries, mathematicians have debated whether 0 (or zero) is a number at all.

Nevertheless, it is a symbol of great power. Because it means nothing, zero symbolizes enlightenment because it represents the elimination of the ego.

The number 0 is akin to the Sufi version of the metaphor a moth to a flame. In Sufism, the number 0 is like a moth that annihilates itself in a flame. For Sufis, the idea of self-annihilation, or fana, describes a seeker who loses all sense of self to become one with God.

As the Sufi poet and philosopher Rumi wrote, ā€œDonā€™t pretend to be a candle, be a moth. So you may taste the savor of Life. So you may know the power hidden in love.ā€

Thus, on a spiritual level, the number 10 and angel number 1010 represent the path to enlightenment. First, it is awareness of your authentic self and then it is the full understanding of your integration with God, or your higher power.

0 and 1 in the Fibonacci Sequence

Fibonacci Sequence

The numbers 0 and 1 are also special when viewed from the perspective of sacred geometry, which studies patterns that repeat throughout nature and the Universe.

Notably, 0 and 1 start the Fibonacci number sequence. The Fibonacci sequence goes as follows: Each number after 0 and 1 increases with the sum of the previous two numbers. The pattern looks like this: 0, 1, 1, 2, 3, 5, 8, 13, 21, and so on. (In other words, 0 + 1 = 1, then 1 + 1 = 2, 1 + 2 = 3, 2 + 3 = 5, etc.)

When the Fibonacci number sequence is depicted as a two-dimensional drawing comprised of its measurements, it is represented by a shape that appears repeatedly in nature, which is the spiral. For example, sunflowers, nautilus shells, coiled snakes, a seahorseā€™s or chameleon‘s curling tail, hurricanes, and galaxies all have spiral patterns, which are collectively referred to as the golden spiral.

For followers of sacred geometry, the Fibonacci sequence is just one more example of intelligent design by a divine creator.

In addition, the spiral symbol itself has important symbolic meaning. It represents the notion of something small (like an idea) expanding to become something greater, like a social movement, an artistic masterpiece, or even a business endeavor.

So, for you, angel number 1010 appearing in your life can be viewed as a sign from your guardian angels of your miraculous potential ā€“ whether on physical, emotional, intellectual, or spiritual level. Hence, 1010 is an angel number about infinite possibilities and new opportunities.

The Power of Number 10 Magnified

In addition to 0 and 1, at the heart of 1010 meaning is the power of the number 10. Indeed, the number 10 has held important significance to people all over the world for centuries. Here are some of those associations:

To begin, historians theorize that the origins of mathematics and our modern-day decimal system is based on the fact that we humans have 10 fingers, which make it easy to count!

Number 10 in Numerology

In numerology, number 10 meaning ties back to the number 1, which represents independence, determination, leadership, and overcoming obstacles.

10 in Astrology

In western astrology, the number 10 is represented by the 10th sign in the zodiac, which is Capricorn. The half-fish, half-goat sign of Capricorn symbolizes evolution, from water creature to a land creature who reaches lofty heights. Thus, as in 1010 meaning, the sign of Capricorn is about possibilities and ascension.

Furthermore, the 10th House in astrology rules status as it relates to your social circle or community. So, it rules professional and social ambition and how you will contribute to your community.

Number 10 in the Tarot

Wheel of Fortune

In the tarot, the number 10 is represented by the Wheel of Fortune card. The Wheel of Fortune symbolizes the impermanence and ever changing nature of life. This is embodies in the Buddhist saying, ā€œThis too shall pass.ā€

This relates to 1010 meaning, which says ā€“ you will have the opportunity for renewal and to start fresh.

Spiritual Significance of 10 and 1010

The number 10 has important meanings across a diverse array of spiritual faiths. These meanings imbue the 1010 angel number with its extraordinary power. Here are some examples of the spiritual significance of these numbers:

1010 Angel Number in the Bible, Judaism, and Christianity

The number 10 appears throughout the Bible, such as in the 10 Commandments.

In addition, in the Kabbala, a branch of Jewish mysticism, there are 10 Sephirot in the Kabbalistic Tree of Life. The Sephirot represent channels of divine energy as well as facets in Kabbalistic spiritual practice.

In the Bible, angel number 1010 is represented in certain passages, notably those that address the power of faith. For example:

John 10:10 references how Jesus comes with loving intentions and is the giver or life; while those with dishonorable intentions are like thieves who are intent on destruction:

ā€œThe thief comes only to steal and kill and destroy; I have come that they may have life, and have it to the full.ā€4

In Romans 10:10, Paul references the 10 Commandments by mentioning having faith in both your heart (or your internal conviction) and you mouth (the way you express yourself) when he says,

ā€œFor it is with your heart that you believe and are justified, and it is with your mouth that you profess your faith and are saved.ā€5

In Matthew 10:10, Jesus tells his disciples that their faith and the power of their words will be all they need when they preach in Galilee:

ā€œDonā€™t carry a travelerā€™s bag with a change of clothes and sandals or even a walking stick. Donā€™t hesitate to accept hospitality, because those who work deserve to be fed.ā€6

10:10 Meaning in Islam

In the Quran, Chapter 10, Verse 10 of Yunas is also about faith:

ā€œBut as for those who believe, and do good works ā€“ their Lord will guide them because of their faith. Rivers shall flow beneath them in the Gardens of Bliss.ā€7


In Sikhism, there are 10 gurus who are known as the founders of the Sikh religion.8


In Buddhism, the notion of ascension in angel number 1010 is associated with the 10 Stages of Development that a Bodhisattva undergoes on the path to enlightenment. They are:

  1. Joy
  2. Freedom from defilement
  3. Refulgence, or radiance
  4. Flame-like wisdom
  5. Overcoming final illusions
  6. Supreme wisdom,
  7. Progression
  8. Immobility, the state of being unperturbed
  9. All-penetrating wisdom
  10. The Dharma cloud9


In Hinduism, the Lord Vishnu appears as 10 different avatars, collectively referred to as the dashavatara. The purpose of these 10 different incarnations was to restore cosmic order and eliminate evil forces from the world.10

10:10 in the Bhagavad Gita

Chapter 10 Verse 10 of the Bhagavad Gita is also about having faith in the higher power when Lord Krishna says,

ā€œTo those whose minds are always united with Me in loving devotion, I give the divine knowledge by which they can attain Me.ā€11

1010 Angel Number in Your Life

1010 Meaning

As a master number, angel number 1010 encapsulates the sacred aspects of the numbers 1, 0, and 10 and takes them to a whole new level.

So, if the number 1010 appears in your life, or you have always felt a special connection to this number, you are being presented with messages about the generous and loving forces at work in the Universe. Hereā€™s how 1010 meaning can be applied in your life:

5 Reasons Why You Keep Seeing the Number 1010

1. You are being reminded that no matter what challenges you are undergoing, your angels and your higher power are on your side. Keep the faith and believe that generous and loving forces are at work in the Universe and they want the best for you.

2. You are being a shown a message about new possibilities in your life. Remember that good luck is the sum of being open to new opportunities and being ready when those opportunities arrive.

Keep a positive mindset and be receptive to good fortune coming your way!

3. Leverage your sense of imagination and artistry and strive for excellence in all that you pursue.

Angel number 1010 is a reminder from you angels to aim high and seek ultimate outcomes. Envision creating a vibration and that lets happiness flow to you and through you.

4. You or someone you love will have the opportunity for renewal, to rise like a phoenix from the ashes. The 1010 angel number vibrates with ascension. Positive change and a new beginning are on the horizon.

5. If you feel out of flow with some aspect of your life, start with small changes to your routine that help you get back into flow.

Something as simple as stretching or dancing can put you back in flow. Envision what being in flow will feel like, look like, and sound like in a given situation. This will help you to get back into your groove.

Angel Number 1010 in Your Love Life and Relationships

Angel Numbers and Love

In romantic love and close relationships, 1010 angel number meaning signifies the ability for genuine, unconditional relationships to renew themselves and grow stronger.

It’s also a sign to strive for quality in your relationships. Be a dedicated lover, family member, friend, or colleague ā€“ and never settle for sub-par relationships.

1010 and Soulmates

Angel number 1010 appearing in your life can be a sign that your soulmates are present.

This could be soulmates who are in spirit form or it could mean people you care about are thinking about you. It can also mean that a soulmate you have not yet connected with in this lifetime is trying to find you.

Your soulmates are fellow souls with whom you are sharing a spiritual journey. You will connect with them lifetime after lifetime, ideally learning and evolving together.

Because angel number 1010 is a symbol of ascension, it signifies that you are evolving spiritually. In fact, you might feel like you are undergoing a spiritual awakening, even though people around you may not be.

They might be consumed with limiting beliefs, with no interest in personal development. However, when the number 1010 resonates with you, you are being called upon by the spiritual realm to create your own reality and have a positive outlook. Some souls choose to stay in their comfort zone in this lifetime, evolving more slowly. You are not one of those souls.

Itā€™s important to let others walk their own spiritual path. And if you do want to inspire them to become more spiritually aware, itā€™s important to simply lead by example and focus on your own positive changes.

In this way, you will vibrate with positive energy and you’ll inspire others. You will also increase the odds of attracting like-minded souls who are also in the process of their own spiritual awakening.

If you are in a romantic bond with your soulmate now, angel number 1010 can be a sign to take your relationship to a new level and to strive for ways to enhance the quality of your interactions.

For those who are single and feel like you have yet to meet your romantic soulmate, the 1010 angel number reminds you that your romantic soulmate currently walks the Earth. Have faith that the two of you will connect as it is the nature of soulmates to find each other.

You will likely both be on the same path, pursuing spiritual growth. In fact, angel number 1010 can be a sign to look for your romantic soulmate in spiritual environments, such as on a retreat, a sacred space, or in nature.

At the same time, seeing 1010 may be a sign that tells you to ā€œup the anteā€ ā€“ in other words, work on self-empowerment and self-improvement. This will help you feel like you are truly in flow with your best life and are the best version of yourself. In this way, you will attract a person worthy of your gifts.

If you are a person who has had your heart broken and you are overcoming the end of a romantic relationship, remember that life is full of possibilities and there is a great big world out there. 1010 angel number meaning is telling you that the ideal relationship is just around the corner, so get ready!

1010 Meaning and Your Twin Flame

Twin Flames Hear Candles

Your twin flame is a person with whom you will feel an immediate, deep connection. However, the nature of twin flame relationships is that they often come with heavy karma. So, itā€™s likely that when you connect with a twin flame in this lifetime, you will have to address your shared karma.

Often karma will manifest itself in our lives in repeated patterns. If we donā€™t accept certain lessons by facing them head on, we are doomed to repeat negative cycles.

Likewise, healthy behaviors can set a tone and create more positive vibrations in the relationship, which can benefit both of you.

Relationships are for learning.

When it comes to twin flame connections, the 1010 angel number can be a sign to look for authentic idealism in relationships, not the shiny, bright objects.

For example, you might be in a twin flame relationship and you feel like youā€™ve met the ā€œPerfect 10.ā€ However, those attributes that make this person seem perfect might not be the attributes that truly create long-term happiness.

Weā€™ve all heard the adage about someone looking ā€œgood on paper” ā€“ when in reality, they are not the ideal partner for you. Remember that human beings are not made of paper!

It is the nature of twin flames to trigger each other. They can take you out of your comfort zone, which can be a positive for personal growth. However, just because you feel butterflies in your stomach or a passionate connection, it doesn’t necessarily mean that this relationship will honor your higher self.

Space to Breathe

The nature of angel number 1010 may also be asking you if the relationship gives the two of you the space to breathe (note the ā€œ0ā€ between the two 1s!) In other words, is it a relationship where you can both help each other grow and maintain your autonomy?

If you feel that you have met a twin flame and are wondering if it’s the right relationship for you, seeing the number 1010, even in varying formats, such as 10 10, can be a nudge from your angles to raise your vibration. Your angels could be asking you to get clear about what the ideal relationship is. And if someone shows up who doesnā€™t pass the test, move on. Keep the faith that there are more possibilities out there for you.

1010 Meaning in Money

In money and career matters, angel number 1010 signifies diversification. In other words, look for multiple ways to bring more money and abundance into your life. After all, angel number 1010 is about possibilities.

Have faith that financial opportunity abounds and this will help you to keep an open mind and be ready for ways to increase your fortunes. 1010 meaning indicates that you will achieve success, so stay positive.

1010 meaning also includes renewal. So, even if you have lost financial worth in some way, the 1010 angel number is an auspicious sign that you have the opportunity to build wealth again. Focus on having positive thoughts about money vs. loss. This is how the Law of Attraction works. Remember that like attracts like.

Furthermore, the 1010 angel number signifies the opportunity to build wealth. You may have an ultimate goal in your head about a financial dream. The angel number 1010 reminds you that your journey to financial independence starts with one step. So, create small, accessible goals that will take you step by step to the bigger dream. Then, determine the steps itā€™s going to take to achieve them and get started!

1010 in Work and Career

In work and career matters, the 1010 angel number signifies that new possibilities for advancement are on the horizon. This could be a new job, new creative or business ideas, or new incomes streams.

Because this is the angel number of excellence, it signifies focusing on quality and being the best in your field. After all, itā€™s better to be an expert in a small field than someone who has common knowledge in a big field. Get clear on your niche and strive to be the absolute best in your field.

Angel Number 1010 and Your Health

In health matters, angel number 1010 signifies a phase of physical renewal and vitality. Visualize healing yourself and increasing your vitality at a cellular level. After all, your cells are in a constant state of rebuilding and renewal.

In addition, seek out people who are experts when it comes to your particular health challenges and goals. Angel number 1010 signifies excellence, so donā€™t settle for second best. Look for the healers who have the highest standards in their fields.

1010 Spiritual Meaning in Your Life

As mentioned earlier, when your guarding angels show you sacred numbers, such as 10 and 1010, you are being reminded that you are here to learn and evolve spiritually. These numbers have profound practical and spiritual meaning.

You are a person who is actively in the process of spiritual growth and ascension. Look at the challenges and hardships you face in your life as opportunities to grow as a human being and as a spiritual being.

Be sure to surround yourself with positive inputs, like positive media and even positive people. (You don’t have to watch the news constantly to stay informed!) So, don’t hesitate to filter out negative inputs! This will help you evolve on your spiritual journey.

Even if you feel like youā€™ve made mistakes or failed in some way, the 1010 angel number says there is always a chance for renewal and redemption.

Maintain a positive attitude so you radiate the kind of vibration you want to attract. You and only you are responsible for your own attitude and how you respond to things that happen to you. So, keep the faith and never stop striving to be the highest expression of yourself.

Angel Number 1010, the Law of Attraction, and Manifestation


1010 is the angel number of faith, possibilities, and ascension. This plays into the Law of Attraction and manifestation by reminding you to dream big while planning the steps to make your dreams come true.

So, in your visualization practice, imagine your ultimate goal as well as the action steps you will successfully take to reach it. And in every one of those steps, envision the ideal outcome. In this way, you will exude positive vibrations along the path to achieving your dreams.

1010 Summary: Miraculous Changes Can Be Yours

In summary, when your guardian angels present the number 1010 to you, they are reminding you of the  loving and generous powers that exist in the Universe. If you feel stuck in some way, this angel number is a sign to remind you of the multitudes of possibilities that you have at your disposal. Keep moving forward and know that you are on the right track. Keep the faith and believe that you can create miracles in this lifetime!

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Kristen M. Stanton

Hello. Thanks for visiting UniGuide. My name is Kristen and I started UniGuide as a tribute to nature, animals, and spiritual exploration. I hope you enjoy your experience here!