Three White Wolves Mug


The Wolves Are Summoning You


This fun mug features three young Arctic wolves in a pristine, sparkling winter wonderland.

If youā€™re a wolf or dog lover, youā€™ll enjoy drinking your morning coffee, cocoa, or tea in this fun mug.

It also makes the perfect gift for those who simply love wolves or white dogs. And of course, anyone who calls the wolf their spirit animal will love this art piece as well!

Supporting Wolf Protection and Conservation

10% of the profits earned from the sales of wolf art, jewelry, gifts, and other wolf-themed products sold by or promoted on UniGuide will be donated to the Wolf Conservation Center.

Symbolic Meanings

White wolves have powerful symbolic meanings and associations in many cultures. You can read about this in my dedicated post on white wolf meanings.

As well, if you like the number 3, you can read my post about number 3 meanings.

This mug features a c-shaped handle.

Material: 100% white ceramic

Size: 11oz (0.32l)


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Additional information

Symbolic Meaning

Agility, Ancient Wisdom, Awareness, Courage, Devotion, Enlightenment, Family, Female Power, Freedom, Friendship, Good Fortune, Honesty, Honor, Instincts, Intelligence, Leadership, Love, Male Power, Opporunity, Playfulness, Protection, Psychic Abilities, Selflessness, Spiritual Growth, Teamwork, The Soul, Unity, Wildness

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