Hummingbird Symbolism & Meaning & the Hummingbird Spirit Animal

Hummingbird Symbolism, Meanings, and Spirit Animal

Hummingbird symbolism and meanings include joy, healing, good luck, messages from angels, and other special qualities. While they are tiny beings, hummingbirds pack a lot of powerful, positive energy. It’s no wonder they are loved by people all over the world.

In this post, we’ll explore all facets of hummingbird meaning and symbolism, including hummingbird spiritual meaning, mythology, and folklore and the hummingbird spirit animal.

What does a hummingbird symbolize?

Purple hummingbird

Here are some high-level meanings associated with hummingbirds. We’ll go into more detail on these and what they could mean for your life throughout this post:

  • Joy
  • Healing
  • Beauty
  • Sweetness
  • Good Luck
  • Variety
  • Angels
  • Spirits
  • Messengers
  • Flirtatiousness
  • Agility

What does it mean when you see a hummingbird?

If a hummingbird buzzes around you or flutters at a flower nearby, view it as a positive omen. As mentioned above, hummingbirds are seen as positive symbols and even messengers for angels in many cultures. Here are some qualities that hummingbirds represent and what they  might mean in your life:

Hummingbird Symbolism: Vibrancy and Variety

Rivoli's hummingbirds
Rivoli’s hummingbirds (Eugenes fulgens.) Photo: Petr Simon.

Although they are small, hummingbirds are very noticeable because they come in an array of bright, jewel-like colors. Adding to their beauty, they are most-often seen around colorful flowers, from which they get their nectar. In turn, the hummingbird extends the life force of these flowers by helping them to pollinate.  Because of their bright colors and the way they speed from flower to flower,  hummingbirds are symbols of vibrancy and variety. They remind us to cherish the beauty and biodiversity in nature.

So, one of the messages of the hummingbird spirit animal is to honor and welcome diversity into your life. After all, too much routine has the potential to drag anyone down, to the extent we might go into autopilot and stop evolving. The hummingbird is not the type to ever fall into a rut!

After all, if the hummingbird didnā€™t visit multiple blossoms, it would limit their ability to pollinate more flowers, thus hindering growth. So, the hummingbird is a lovely reminder to get “unstuck” if you’re in a situation where you feel you’re not growing or you don’t have the answers you seek. The hummingbird says, “Do something different. Variety is the spice of life!”

Hummingbird Meaning: Flirtatiousness

Cattelya Orchid and Three Brazilian Hummingbirds by Martin Johnson Heade
Cattleya Orchid and Three Brazilian Hummingbirds by Martin Johnson Heade, 1871.

The hummingbird is also a symbol of flirtatiousness. These tiny birds fly quickly from blossom to blossom, enjoying the nectar of a variety of flowers. In fact, unlike ravens, eagles, and most other bird species, hummingbirds don’t mate for life.

Seeing a hummingbird doesn’t mean you should go out and have an affair or avoid a commitment! Rather, the hummingbird spirit animal may be telling you to lighten up and have a little more fun. Instead of viewing your relationship as “serious,” why not view it as flirtatious and fun?

If you’re single and looking for a new romantic relationship, seeing a hummingbird can be a sign to not get into a serious relationship right now. Instead, focus on meeting new people and widening your social circle.


Hummingbird Pollinating a Flower

Scientists have studied the aerodynamics of the hummingbird for decades. Like dragonflies and owls, the hummingbird possesses special flying skills. Even in extremely windy conditions, they can stabilize themselves in midair while feeding. Essentially, they are able to adjust in challenging circumstances to achieve their goals.

Seeing a hummingbird can be a reminder that life is not about waiting for the perfect conditions. Instead of focusing on resisting challenges, consider how you can handle them with grace and agility. By doing so, you increase the odds that you will achieve your goals. The hummingbird spirit animal also says, “If there is an opportunity in front of you, donā€™t wait. Be agile and seize the present moment.”

Speed, Energy, and Effectiveness

Some species of hummingbirds have hearts that beat over 1,200 times per minute. And they inhale and exhale as much as 250 breaths per minute!1 Needless to say, this is a very speedy little bird.

In addition to being fast, the hummingbird is an important part of the ecosystem in which they live. In addition, as a pollinator, the hummingbird serves a vital role alongside the bee and the butterfly, as all are foundational for supporting life on Earth.

The hummingbird power animal is a reminder that although you may feel small or insignificant at times ā€“ one person can have a big impact. Whatever your dreams are, even if they seem small by other peopleā€™s standards, the hummingbird tells you to get going. Use your positive energy to achieve your aims. When you are committed to a dream, providence moves quickly to make it happen.

A Few Words on Rest…
As quick and busy as they are, the hummingbird also has to rest. In fact, when food isn’t available, a hummingbird can slow their metabolisms and enter a hibernating, deep-sleep state, which is called torpor.

You may be a high-energy person who thrives on going, going, going. The hummingbird reminds you to give yourself some down time. Rest and relaxation are essential for being healthy ā€“ mentally, emotionally, and physically. Remember to take the time to recharge so you can be primed to accomplish your dreams.

Health, Healing, and Vitality

Allen's hummingbird (Selasphorus sasin)
Allen’s hummingbird (Selasphorus sasin). Photo: Art Tower.

The hummingbird has co-evolved with flowers. In a sublime, harmonious partnership, the hummingbird gets nectar from the flower. Then, in return, the hummingbird pollinates more flowers, which extends their life force. This is why the hummingbird is a symbol of health, healing, and vitality.

As a symbol for healing, the hummingbird can be a sign to think about what you are seeking for stimulation and nourishment. This could relate not just to food but also substances, material things, or relationships. In other words, where are you looking for energy? Is it a truly symbiotic, balanced, and mutually healthy relationship? If not, be like a hummingbird and quickly move on.

Balance, harmony, and reciprocity do exist. You just have to be willing to leave the situations that are unhealthy to find the ones that will nourish you.

Joy, Sweetness, and Good Luck

Two hummingbirds and a flower

A beloved bird to many, the hummingbird is also a symbol of good luck. These nectar-drinking beauties are reminders to live la dolce vita ā€“ the sweet life. Life can be hard on the Earthly plane. Yet the hummingbird, with their vibrant, humming presence, reminds us to focus on the joys in life. When we live in a joyful state, we put out a vibration for positive things and good luck to come to us.

The hummingbird spirit animal reminds you that good luck happens when you are receptive and open to the wonders in life. A hummingbird message, or affirmation, is, ā€œI make good luck happen.ā€

Angels, Spirits, and Messages

Princess Ruby Throat and the Hummingbird
Cover of Audubon Magazine, 1887. Princess Ruby-Throat: The Story of the Hummingbird. Image: The Audubon Society.

Like the butterfly, the hummingbird is also seen as a messenger from angels, or spirit guides.

Hummingbirds are here in their Earthly manifestations for three-to-five years. So, if you have an opportunity to meet a hummingbird in their lifetime, say a prayer of thanks, and think of those you love who have transitioned to the spirit world.

Divine energy can manifest through all living things. Yet, just like people, some animals are more receptive to this angelic energy flowing through them. The hummingbird is one of these creatures. Like a butterfly, a dragonfly, or a cardinal, the hummingbird is a sign that your angels are present.

Hummingbird Mythology and Folklore

Tens of millions of years ago, hummingbirds lived in the geographical region that is now Europe.2 However, in more recent history, they are native only to the Americas ā€“ with a range from southern Alaska all the way to Tierra del Fuego at the southern tip of South America. Hummingbirds can also be found in the Caribbean Islands.

Because of this range, cultures in the Americas and tropics are rich with hummingbird legends and folklore. The following are some of those stories.

Hummingbirds in Native American Culture

Native Americans revere nature and animals. Thus, their cultures have many vivid stories about the power of animal spirits and the profound role they play in human life. Every Native American tribe has a unique set of customs and beliefs. However, one thing that many have in common is that the hummingbird is a helpful spirit guide and messenger. In addition, the hummingbird is a healer and source of good luck.3

Hopi and Zuni Hummingbird Legend

There is a story told in the Hopi and Zuni tradition of a famine that plagued the land. Because food and water were scarce, a mother and father were forced to leave their young son and daughter behind as they went searching for supplies to sustain their family.

To pass the time while waiting, the boy carved a hummingbird out of a piece of wood. When his sister threw the toy into the air, the small bird came to life and played with the children.

However, seeing that the children were hungry, the hummingbird began to worry about them. So, she went searching and returned everyday with an ear of corn to sustain them.

Realizing they would need more to eat, the hummingbird flew to the center of the Earth to beg the God of Fertility to replenish the land. Impressed by the beautiful and sincere little bird, the God of Fertility delivered rain, which fed the soil and helped the crops to grow again.4

Apache Hummingbird Symbolism

Apache hummingbird headdress
Apache hummingbird headdress, Leaf Spirits.

In Apache folklore, there is a story of a young warrior named Wind Dancer who is deaf. Despite his deafness, Wind Dancer creates beautiful, wordless songs. Indeed, the sound is so exquisite that the songs bring fair weather and healing to the land.

One day, Wind Dancer falls in love with a beautiful woman named Bright Rain. They met when Bright Rain was being attacked by a wolf and Wind Dancer stepped in to rescue her. However, early in their romance, Wind Dancer was killed tragically in battle. When he died, winter fell on the land.

Grieving, Bright Rain walked into an open field. And when she did, the spirit of Wind Dancer visited her in the form of a hummingbird. The tiny bird sang Wind Dancerā€™s sweet, wordless songs in Bright Rainā€™s ears and she was comforted in her grief. When Bright Rain finally felt a sense of peace, fair weather returned to the land.

Hummingbird Meaning in Navajo Culture

For the Navajo People, the hummingbird represents beauty and wisdom. As with other birds, the Navajo view hummingbirds as sacred beings who should not be harmed. In addition, they view the hummingbird as a sacred teacher. For the Navajo, the hummingbird taught them about life by showing them how to gather nectar and pollen and travel from flower to flower.

Pueblo Culture

Pueblo hummingbird print
“Mary’s Prayer” by Jerome Martinez, in honor of his mother. San Ildefonso Pueblo, New Mexico. Image: Pueblo Prints.

Most Native American tribes are based around a clan system, which is a community organization that is rooted in maternal family lines. Each clan is associated with a specific animal. For example, the Creek, Chippewa, Algonquian, Navajo, and Pueblo Nations all have bear clans. In addition, the Pueblo Nation has a hummingbird clan. Thus, these special birds have important meaning in Pueblo stories.

According to one Pueblo legend, caterpillars are the guardians of tobacco plants. But itā€™s the hummingbird who gathers smoke from the caterpillar and then brings it to the shamans, or medicine men, who use it to purify the Earth. In return, the hummingbird brings gifts from the shamans to the Great Mother who exists beneath the soil.

The Hummingbird and the Rainbow

In another Pueblo legend, there was a demon who made a bet with the Sun and lost. When he lost the bet, he went blind. Filled with anger at going blind, the demon spewed hot lava, which set the world on fire.

The hummingbird, who was a simple gray bird at the time, took it upon himself to fly around and gather rain clouds from all four directions and put out the fire. When his work was done, he flew away.

As he flew, there was a rainbow in the sky, which he flew through. The rainbow blessed the hummingbird by painting him with its bright colors.

To this day, members of the Pueblo Nation do a hummingbird dance to bring rain.

Maya Hummingbird Meaning

According to stories by the Maya People, when the Sun courts the Moon, he disguises himself as a beautiful hummingbird. In addition, the Mayas believed that the first wedding was that of two hummingbirds.


They Mayas also believed that the hummingbird was created by the Great Creator who made all birds. When he was done making all the birds, he had leftover pieces, so he made the first hummingbird. This bird was very small, so the Creator made sure he could fly fast.5

When the hummingbird flew above the Creator, his wings made a humming sound: ā€œdzu-nu-ume, dzu-nu-ume.ā€ So, the Mayas called him Dzunuume, or the Hummer.

The Creator loved the little hummingbird so much that he created a mate for him and a wedding was planned.

All of the animals of the forest came to the ceremony, which was the first wedding in history. However, the other birds didnā€™t think the hummingbirds had enough color, so they all gave some of their feathers to the pair as wedding gifts. And the Sun promised that the hummingbirdsā€™ feathers would gleam with magic in the sunshine.

Aztec Hummingbird Mythology

HuitzilƔihuitl, the Second Aztec King
HuitzilƔihuitl, the second Aztec king, with hummingbird, by Juan de Tovar, ca. 1546-1626.

For the ancient Aztecs, the God of Sun and War was called Hitzilopochti, which translates to Hummingbird Wizard. For the Aztecs, Hitzilopochti was a very important patron god. In fact, hummingbirds were so sacred in Aztec culture that only shamans and tribal leaders were allowed to wear hummingbird feathers. In addition, Aztec warriors believed that if they died in battle, they would be reincarnated as a hummingbird.

Taino Nation

The Taino Nation, who are an Indigenous People from the Caribbean, revere the hummingbird as a symbol of fertility for all life. In fact, this symbolism is shared with cultures throughout the Caribbean, Central America, and beyond.

According to Taino legends, the hummingbird started out as a fly, but Father Sun, whom they call Agueybaba, transformed him into a tiny bird.

For the Taino, the hummingbird is a symbol of rebirth. They also believe that even though the hummingbird is small, they have the fierce heart of an eagle. In fact, the Taino People call their warriors the ā€œColibri” Warriors, which translates to Hummingbird Warriors.

In other Caribbean folklore, hummingbirds are believed to be spirit messengers, including departed loved ones.

3 Hummingbird Spiritual Meanings

In conjunction with what has been written above, there are some hummingbird spiritual meanings:

1. Angels and Spirit Guides ā€“ People around the world have viewed hummingbirds as messengers for angels, or loved ones who have passed. So, if you are lucky enough to have a hummingbird visit, you can view it as a sacred event.

2. Symbols of Rebirth ā€“ Because hummingbirds extend the life force of flowers, they are symbols of the eternal nature of the soul and the indomitable spirit.

3. The Healing Power of Divine Energy ā€“ Hummingbird spiritual meaning also includes miraculous healing and “mind-over-matter” faith. The hummingbird reminds us that divine energy can move through all living things, including the human body. Prayer, meditation, and faith play a vital role in healing.

Hummingbird Spirit Animal

Girl and Hummingbird Spirit Animal

“Like the hummingbird sipping nectar from every flower, I fly joyfully through my days, seeing beauty in everything.ā€
ā€“ Amethyst Wyldfyre

The hummingbird spirit animal is a beautiful guardian to have on your side. When the hummingbird is your spirit animal, you are the type of person who lights up a room and brings joy to others. You are also a natural healer and nurturer.

In fact, a hummingbird appearing in your life can be a sign to make sure you practice self-care because you bring so much joy to others and you are such a natural caregiver. Don’t forget about yourself!

The hummingbird is always a positive sign. So, if you receive a hummingbird visit, they may be reminding you to step outside of your thoughts and notice the wonders all around you. The hummingbird’s beautiful colors and vibrating wings should serve as a wake-up call to pursue your dreams. The hummingbird spirit animal also wants to remind you to enjoy life!

If you are curious about other animals who might be your spirit guides, visit my overview post about spirit animals and take the spirit animal test.

Hummingbird Power Animal

As the name implies, a power animal can inspire you with their most dynamic traits. So, if you want to transform an area of your life, meditate on the attributes that the power animal represents. For example, you can summon the hummingbird in situations when you:

  • Hope to bring healing energy to yourself or someone you love.
  • Want to get out of a rut, whether it’s creatively, a relationship, or some other aspect of your life.
  • Would like to hone your intuition and clear the channels of communication with your spirit guides.
  • Want to bring more joy into your life and those of others.

Hummingbird Totem Animal

In Native American cultures, animal totems hold the protective powers of the animal they represent. Thus, the hummingbird totem animal is a helpful symbol for manifesting more joy, variety, health, and good luck in your life.

In addition, the hummingbird totem is a helpful symbol when you are in prayer or meditation and want to connect with your loved ones who have passed or other spirit guides.

Hummingbird Dream Meaning

Hummingbird and eye

If you dream of a hummingbird, consider the emotions you felt in the dream. Those feelings can give you insight into what the hummingbird dream is telling you. For example, did you feel fear or happiness? Anxiety or wonder?

Dreams can reveal things that we’re not actively addressing in our conscious, awake state ā€“ but that we should address. One thing we all have in common is that our subconscious emotions don’t lie to us. Even anxious dreams can be gifts. They can prompt us to take the time to be objective observers of our own thoughts, so that we can improve areas of our life.

In addition, many psychics and mediums say that you should pay particular attention to your vivid dreams. If you dream of people you know or a pet (living or those who have passed) or a creature such as a hummingbird, it can mean you connected with other souls on the astral plane.

Hopefully learning more about hummingbird symbolism and mythology in this post can bring added insights to your dream.

Hummingbird Tattoo Meaning

Hummingbird TattooA hummingbird tattoo demonstrates that you have joie de vivre ā€“ that you cherish the joy and variety in life. It can also show that you are in tune with and in communication with your spirit guides. It can also signify that you or someone you love has overcome a healthy challenge and that you live in the light of health and vitality.

Tattoos are obviously deeply personal to the person whose skin they adorn. But hopefully understanding more about the hummingbird meaning and symbolism can bring deeper meaning to your tattoo.

How You Can Help Hummingbirds

Sapphire-throated hummingbird
Sapphire-throated hummingbird (Lepidopyga coeruleogularis coeruleogularis). Photo: Charles J. Sharp.

Are hummingbirds endangered? People who love hummingbirds often ask this question and, unfortunately, yes, hummingbirds are very much endangered. Over 10 percent of hummingbird species are at risk of extinction. If you care about hummingbirds, please do what you can to protect them. Here are some organizations that are working to protect these precious birds.

48 Responses

  1. Wow, this was really a helpful. Today, a hummingbird flew into a window at school and no one wanted to pick them up, so I did so we could help the little guy/gal get better hopefully. Unfortunately, they died in my hand about 10 minutes later. I ended up holding the bird for about an hour until I had time to get away from my class to bury it under a cherry blossom tree. I was wondering if maybe this was all a sign or something, and if there was a deeper meaning to being able to hold one since itā€™s so rare.

    1. Thank you for your note. I am sorry to hear about the hummingbird. But it sounds like they knew the right person to get to. Interesting that this happened in school. It’s a reminder to all of us here on Earth that everything is a learning process. Also, that death is a state of transition to a higher level of consciousness. I’m sure it was upsetting, I would have been super upset if I experienced that. However, you helped the hummingbird transition, and I feel they are one of your spirit animals now. I had an experience where I rescued a hawk who ended up dying. I will forever have a deep connection to hawks and they have taught me a lot about my soul’s journey. Take care!

  2. Kristen,
    Thank you for this beautiful piece. I have always loved hummingbirds growing up on an island as a child. I have one memory that won’t go away and I was wondering if you could help me decipher it. I saw a hummingbird and one that wasn’t so commonly seen as it was darker in color with purple–turns out it is native to the island of Jamaica–and it flew into the wall of my father’s house. As a kid (under 7 years old), I went over to it, put it in a bag and buried it. I am here almost 30 plus years later wondering what this meant, if anything. I have always loved hummingbirds and never took anything negative away from this.

    1. Hi Nhai, Thank you for your message. Iā€™m assuming your beautiful hummingbird was dead when you buried them! (I use ā€œthemā€ not knowing if it was a him or her!) That is a young age to experience something like that and then to have the sense to honor the hummingbird the way you did by burying them. That the memory has stayed with you and that you acknowledge the uniqueness of the bird is telling. I feel this is one of the gifts you bring the world ā€“ recognizing what is different or special and honoring it. And I do believe if you come across a dead animal or an animal dies in your presence, you are being called upon to honor their life.

      I think we all have the capacity to be lightworkers in the world and we all have special gifts that we bring. I admit, sometimes I deal with depression and have been struggling with the grief of losing my younger brother who died last May. I know the world will never be the same, and itā€™s hard not to look at it as a diminished place without him in it.

      However, you remind me, and I have been trying to remind myself of this, that it almost doesnā€™t matter what happens to us in the world. What matters is what we bring to it and what we give ā€“ because we all have gifts. No matter how rich or poor, no matter how healthy or sick, we all have gifts to give and we have the capacity to make the world a better place even with tiniest of gestures. So, I think that could be one of the things your little hummingbird was telling you, and by sharing your story, reminding me too. Thank you.

      1. Thank you Kristen! Your voice is so soothing and the way you write, it really motivates me. Yes, sadly, that hummingbird did die when it flew into the wall. I am going through an incredibly difficult time right now in life and this blog and especially this piece really was meant for me to find. Everything that is written about the symbolic meaning of the hummingbird has truly made me want to propel forward and embrace the essence these times. I feel that that little bird truly passed something to me even in spirit as you have mentioned with me honoring it by burying it. Thank you so much for your words, truly.

        1. You are very welcome. I am sorry to hear that you are going through a hard time. Take care! Oh, and I meant to mention, in reference to the color of the little hummingbird: Purple is the color of peace, harmony, and enlightenment. šŸ™

        2. Thank you for sharingā€¦. I had a visitation from a hummingbird. I was in my ninth month of pregnancy waiting to deliver and this particular hummingbird was simply beautiful. It had rained, the sun was out and the flowers glistened from the raindrops. I was standing there, seeing how beautiful this morning was and a hummingbird approached me. With great admiration, I spoke to it as it hovered in front of me. I began to speak with awe and amazement of its beauty and thanking God for my encounter and for a while we were in the presence of each other in admiration. Every time I think about my experience, I feel the overwhelming presence of God and the presence of his precious and beautiful creation. My soul has forever been blessed. Naomi Ruth

  3. I have caught and save 3 hummingbirds in the past 4 days. The first 2 were in my garage and couldnā€™t find the way out. Today one was hung up in a piece of spiderweb. Is there any meaning behind these events?

    1. Wow. I think that’s spectacular. I didn’t realize they could get caught in spider’s webs! I think it shows you’re a light worker – a special person who is here to do good work on Earth. I mean, everyone is, but not all step up to the challenge or work to reach their potential. Thank you for rescuing them.

  4. My mom passed away a week ago today. The day after she passed away my wife, my uncle and I were having lunch outdoors talking about my mom. My uncle and her had been on the outs for like 20 yrs but he had a chance to see her before she passed. She was a very energetic woman, nomadic, had little but went out of her way to help other people. She had a hard time sitting still, her legs bounded constantly and she went from place to place, sometimes scheduled, often times on a whim. We were talking about her when a hummingbird zipped up to a some flowers in back of me. I turned around and said, “There she is.” My wife said, yeah, that’s totally her. We laughed about how the energy really reflected her. It zipped away and we kept talking then zipped back once more and my wife said, she’s back, and then it was gone. We were just thinking about that moment and then googled this. So weird and affirming. Such a wonderful visit on a chilly Sacramento July afternoon. Love you, mom.

    1. I am very sorry to hear about the passing of your mom. I lost mine a little less than a year ago. I miss her everyday. I love this story! Thank you so much for sharing it. I believe that divine energy is manifested through all living things and, like people, some animals (like bird) and insects (like butterflies) are particularly receptive to this energy. May you lively mom rest in peace.

  5. Last year I moved wrong and hurt my back. The pain was excruciating. I couldn’t move in any direction. I even considered suicide because of the intensity. No pain pills could even come close. I phoned a friend and had a long distance reiki session. After about 1/2 hour she suddenly said that a hummingbird just showed up at her window. I immediately felt a long item go down my spine and realign as it went. The pain was immediately removed! I have honored and added more hummingbird flowers to my property ever since and give thanks to them for the health and vitality that was returned to me. I was blessed by this wonderful being! Sharing my special interaction.

  6. Just now a hummingbird flew into my house. It allowed me to help it hold it for a while and when it felt well enough it flew away. Such a tresendendent experience.

  7. In the last week or so, twice Iā€™ve seen hummingbirds on my 4th story apartment balcony. I live in Hollywood, in fact can see the Hollywood sign from my living, bedroom & balcony but not a lot of trees or flowers certainly not on my balcony. But each hummingbird came & hovered deep in the balcony for a minute or so; no flowers on my balcony. In my morning visualization meditations Iā€™ve been asking for a unexpected sign that Iā€™m in 2 way communication with Infinite Intelligence about my life purpose. And Iā€™m certain, today at least I got my answer. Blessings for all your thoughtful postings.šŸ•ŠšŸ„°šŸ’–šŸ™šŸ»

    1. I am very happy to hear this. That’s a lovely affirmation and I was able to imagine it all with your vivid description! Maybe put out some hanging planters with hummingbird-friendly flowers or feeders for them? Anything we can do to help these precious endangered birds will go a long way, and they remember food sources on their migration routes. Best of luck to you and thanks for sharing!

  8. Today marks my moms passing. Its been 4 years.
    My heart is still heavy until I saw my first real life hummingbird ( colibri) I cried and cried and cried. I am grateful I needed that visit. Til we meet again Mamiā¤ļø

    1. I am sorry to hear about losing your mom. My mom passed March 2022, so I understand how it feels. But I know they are around us. I have some geraniums right outside my door. My mom also planted those flowers. And when I sit by them, I can see an extra glow emanating from them. That is my mom. I am certain your mom is around you too!

  9. To start this story we lost our son to sucide at 42 yrs of age. We were devastated as he was such a nice boy and we loved him so very much. Well things really started to happen after that. Many things but we received a card from a neighbour with a hummingbird that sprung out when opened. Right after that we were on our deck and a hummingbird appeared and came right up close to our face and hovered for quite a spell first mine and then did the same to my hubby. We were shocked and knew something was up. A wild bird landed on my hubbys shoulder while running a loud gas lawnmower and rode a bit. I never knew about the traditional beliefs but l do now. I have conversations with a dove all the time also. What do you think?

    1. I am so sorry for the loss of your son. As they say – suicide is a permanent solution to what is so often a temporary problem. I am so sorry. Many mediums I have heard interviewed, or when they present or in their writings, say that the spirits of those who have committed suicide often realize they made a rash decision and that it’s something that happened too fast. But more importantly, they don’t want their loved ones to suffer and they want to express to them that they are at peace. I love hearing about the signs you are experiencing from your son. I know there is an emptiness in your life but I really hope the beautiful birds are bringing you some peace. It feels to me that they are giving you messages from your son. Take care!

  10. My mom has past, she loved humming birds, I was sitting at my table , I just came home from the hospital and I heard a little noise at my glass sliding door and low and behold it was a hummingbird looking at me, I want to think it was my mom here for a visit, it filled me with love.

    1. I am so sorry about the loss of your mom. My mom passed last month. The grief comes like big waves – calm, and then it bowls me over! But I love hearing about your hummingbird visit. My mom loved geraniums and so I have a lot of them on my patio. And lately it’s like they are glowing, or pulsating ā€“ there is so much vibrancy! And I always say – Hi Mom! :o)

    2. I think the very same thing when I see one. In fact I placed a humming bird feeder and now visits me daily.

  11. My grandma loved hummingbirds! Whenever I see one I am reminded of her. I was walking my dog one day, mind you I had a shirt with a hummingbird on it. And one came up really close to me. I stood still, as it approached it looked right at me then flew off. I have one just hanging out in my backyard now.

  12. It’s amazing how hummingbirds have so many meanings and symbols in such diverse cultures. I also once saw pictures of beautiful, bright hummingbirds flying into my garden. I also feel something special when I see them. On that morning, because I love to watch birds in the morning at my garden, I met the image of a brilliant hummingbird flying in. Maybe it’s the positive energy it gives me. I started work with an energetic and happy day, and I have always thought positively in every problem encountered. It’s magical and wonderful to see hummingbirds. Thanks for your sharing.

  13. What does it mean when a humming bird flutters its wings at knee level in front of me that has happened 2days in a row

    1. Hi Pamela, That is an interesting question! I immediately thought about two different stories I heard about people’s dog companions fussing over a particular part of their body. In both cases, the people had cancer in that location. Of course, dogs have an acute sense of smell and a deep connection to their people. But with wild hummingbirds, I am not sure. Many people believe they are messengers from spirits. If you haven’t read it yet, I recommend reading my post about Cardinal Meanings ā€“ you can click the name to go there. There are two women who believe a cardinal visiting them is a messenger for their mom who passed. I wish I had a specific answer for you. Were you kneeling down in a garden or something like that, so had something attractive to hummingbirds on your knees, or something at knee level? It’s sort of unusual for hummingbirds to put themselves in a vulnerable position – i.e. low to the ground. If it was me, I would think about think about the health of my knees too!

  14. I have held 3 different hummingbirds since Iā€™ve moved to Virginia. I feel so privileged to have been able to do this. We only have the Ruby throated ones here but they are still magnificent creatures. I look forward to seeing them every spring

    1. You are lucky to see them regularly! I have a plant called a firecracker plant (Russelia equisetiformis) in a window box, which my local hummers love! They visit this plant a few times per day! (My one cat is obsessed with them, so she waits at the window. Luckily they are way too fast for her.)

  15. My dad, bless his soul…could sit on his and mom’s patio and start whistling or talking softly and their hummers would soon be flying all around him, chattering up a storm. They would also land on his head or hand…the other birds would come in also, waiting for their daily treats of different fruits or nuts…he loved his birds…

  16. Thanks so much for all the information! I have always been blessed to have hummingbirds around where ever I have lived. I even had a few that talked to me! I didn’t know they could chirp or make any noise. I found one on my seat out here in my back yard, dead. I was so sad but I put him on my Ancestor Altar I have set up. I’ve begun my Journey of being a better human, and living in harmony with the earth. I will be moving soon and beginning an organic produce farm. He will always have a place on my Altar and I think in the name of my Farm, Hummingbird Hollow Farms.

  17. Thank you for all the information you have provided here!! After seeing a Hummingbird for the first time in my life up close, I had to learn what it may mean. Your website was the first one I chose and I am so glad I did!!! What beautiful and so very fast beings Hummingbirds are, I’ve never seen one so close that I could see his or hers feathers!! Now for the second day in a row I have been blessed to see, hear, and feel the vibrations from their wings flapping so quickly it felt like a soft breeze!! What a beautiful sight this tiny being was!! Many thanks for the informative page!!

    1. My pleasure! I’m so glad you saw one in real life up close. They are magical, aren’t they? I have a window box and I planted a few different plants in int. One is called a firecracker plant. It has gotten way too big for the box. But… the hummingbirds really like it! So, it stays!

  18. Thank you for this beautiful article. I was in meditation writing and as I lifted my head up saw a flash pass me and looked at my hummingbird feeder and there was the most beautiful creature my eyes have ever seen felt so much peace and love at the moment that I knew my prayers have been answered. Thank you all beings of light out there ready to help us šŸ’•

    1. Thank you for sharing this! I had an experience a couple of years ago where I didn’t see hummingbirds where I was living at the time. And within the span of a week, two very close friends were diagnosed with cancer. I was worrying about them and telling my mom about it when I was on the phone with her. And in what felt like a miracle – two hummingbirds showed up outside my window on this giant plant my landlady had – I guess it blooms just once per year. I was so excited, I told my mom while we were talking. And the fact that it was two hummingbirds was incredible. I saw that as a sign that my two friends would be ok. And thank God, they are now. Both are doing great. :o)

  19. I was praying..about some hardship, that I was very hopeful to get response to..
    And much to my surprize..a hummingbird, appeared. I was trying to take a picture but it Disapeared. I cried because I felt the Spirit of relief. I know that a Change is coming.
    This is not the 1st time that this has happened.
    Beautiful in color..yelloe,green and blue.
    I’m inNeed of a financial blessing, an a new ,place to Live. This bird .sde me feel like my Prayer Had been ANSWERED.

    1. I am sorry to hear of your challenges. I’ll send prayers and positive energy your way. I have been working hard at visualization. At first, my mind would wander so much, and I thought – I suck at this! But you know, as they always say – practice makes perfect. I keep trying and I am getting better at it! Now that you’ve seen your hummingbird, if you’re not already doing this – I’d suggest visualizing the right place for you to live for you now and some financial abundance coming your way. I believe it will help! Good luck!

      1. This was such a great reminder for me to see after I just saw for the first time in my life a hummingbird in person! It is soo tiny and cute it had a green yellow color on the sides and I cried it was so beautiful and Iā€™ve been having a hard time. I feel so heard and connected and not as alone as I was feeling before I saw this beautiful bird! So thanks for the reminder to meditate and visualize!

        1. First time seeing a hummingbird in real life? Wow! I am glad you did. Yes, they are so beautiful and special aren’t they? I always feel lucky when I see them in real life. I hope you get the opportunity again! :o)

  20. Thank you for this article. A hummingbird has come to my patio door three days in a row. I finally decided to look up hummingbird symbolism. And what I read was definitely what I needed to “hear” at this time! Thank you so much!

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Kristen M. Stanton

Hello. Thanks for visiting UniGuide. My name is Kristen and I started UniGuide as a tribute to nature, animals, and spiritual exploration. I hope you enjoy your experience here!