111 Meaning, 111 Angel Number, and 1:11 Essential Guide

111 Meaning

111 meaning and the 111 angel number can provide guidance for your life, especially as it relates to your self-awareness, independence, manifestation, and new beginnings.

If you find that you keep noticing the number 111 in a way that grabs your attention, such as 1:11 on a clock, or 111 on a street address, a sales receipt, or in some other context, itā€™s no coincidence! Exploring 111 meanings can offer you insights as you navigate your life path here on Earth.

In this post, weā€™ll dive into all aspects of angel number 111, including its spiritual and cultural significance, the power of its components, and how you can apply the messages it brings you to your own life.

111 Meaning

What does the 111 angel number mean?

Here are some meanings associated with the number 111:

  • Self-awareness
  • Independence
  • Leadership
  • New Beginnings
  • Psychic Abilities
  • Manifestation
  • Connection to Your Higher Power

Weā€™ll go into more detail on what these meanings throughout this post. But first, here are some quick takeaways for you:

Your 111 Highlights

The 111 angel number can be a strong signal from your guardian angels and ascended masters to be true to yourself. Know who you are, be honest about what is healthy for you, and live your life accordingly.

  • Work to fulfill your true purpose in this lifetime. When you are actively fulfilling your life purpose, emotions like envy, jealous, and discontent fall by the wayside.
  • Use the practice of visualization. This is how you will manifest joy and achieve your dreams.
  • In your love life and other relationships, strive for healthy unity that is not codependent.
  • Be open-minded and receptive because new beginnings and new opportunities are coming your way.
  • If you are not already doing so, be sure take time out every day to pray, meditate, and tune into your higher power.


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What are angel numbers?


ā€œImages and numbers are doors through which the spiritual can reach man.ā€1
ā€“ Carl Jung

Before we go into details on what angel number 111 can mean in your life, letā€™s first take a look at angel numbers in general.

Numbers and what they represent to us play a powerful role in our day-to-day lives. Whether itā€™s a figure in our bank account, results from a medical test, or our weight on the bathroom scale, numbers have the capability to affect our moods and outlook!

However, beyond the numbers we live with on a day-to-day basis, angel numbers can appear in our lives and be even more meaningful. This is because, as the name implies, angel numbers provide us with insights from ascended masters. These spiritual entities are in our court, standing by to help us as we navigate our soulā€™s journey.

As souls, we are here to learn and evolve. Both the joys and the challenges we face in life present us with opportunities for our souls to become more enlightened. As we become more enlightened, we grow closer to God, or our Higher Power.

Our angels know we have free will and that we are here to learn and evolve. Nevertheless, they are present in our day-to-day lives, sending us clues, and helping us during this evolutionary process.

Signs from the Divine

Angel numbers are just one example of hints from your spirit guides. Another example is when a guardian angel comes to you in a dream. Or they might make their presence felt as you watch a beautiful sunrise or sunset or when you experience a random coincidence.

What these angel messages have in common is that they will appear to you in ways that grab your attention. Just as an animal who crosses your path and rivets your attention might be a spirit animal who has a message for you, angel numbers can stimulate your awareness in a way that makes you realize something greater is going on around you.

Angel numbers will often manifest themselves in your life by showing up repeatedly. For example, you might be contemplating something important and you look at the clock and notice the time of 1:11. Or you might get change from a cashier for 1.11, then driving home, a car in front of you has a license plate with the number 111 in it. Or you pass a house and the street address is 111.

But how do you interpret angel number 111 and apply it to situations in your own life? The answer is a combination of understanding sacred symbols and the meanings applied to numbers as well as listening to your intuition.

Those who believe in the power of sacred symbols say that numbers carry divinely inspired sacred codes. Indeed, philosophers, spiritual teachers, and ancient cultures have all interpreted these codes.

Learning more about the meanings revealed by these codes can provide you with insights when you need them.

Pythagoras and the Sacred Power of Numbers


A man named Pythagoras was one of the philosophers who believed in the sacred power of numbers. Living and teaching in Greece in the 6th century BCE, Pythagorasā€™ teachings inspired many great thinkers who came after him, including Plato and Aristotle. In addition, his teachings have influenced modern-day students of sacred geometry and numerology.

For Pythagoras, the number 1 (which is a foundational element in angel number 111 as well as angel number 1111) had powerful implications.

Pythagoras saw the number 1 as a symbol of a divine creator and the origin of all things. He also saw it as a symbol of unity and interconnectedness.2

In the case of angel number 111 meaning, those who believe in angel numbers attest that angel number 111 embodies the divine powers of the number 1.

Carl Jung and Synchronicity

Another philosopher who plays a role in our understanding of angel numbers is the psychologist Carl Jung. Not only did Jung write extensively about symbols and archetypes, he was fascinated with numbers and what they mean to us.

In addition to his writings on numbers and other types of symbolism, Jung created and popularized the concept of synchronicity. Itā€™s a theory that describes events or circumstances that seem to have an association and yet which donā€™t have a scientifically proven cause and effect relationship.

Jung theorized that these types of events could have important meanings beyond the simplified view that they are just random coincidences.

Some believe that angel numbers are examples of synchronicity that are connected to a divine source and have sacred implications. Thus, if the number 111 appears in your life repeatedly, the theory of synchronicity implies that it carries more gravitas than just a random coincidence!

Numerology and Sacred Geometry

Sacred geometry and numerology are two fields of study that also teach us about angel numbers and what they can signify in our lives. Like Pythagoras and Jung, students of these arts view numbers as sacred symbols that can guide us.

They believe that number meanings can help us to answer some of lifeā€™s questions, make decisions, and to better understand who we are and why weā€™re here. In addition, they believe numbers can provide validation for us, such as confirming that we are on the right path.

Elements of Angel Number 111

111 Meaning

As you look for meanings behind why the number 111 keeps showing up in your life, or even why itā€™s always been one of your favorite numbers, itā€™s important to understand the elements, or building blocks, of this angel number.

A Master Number

One of the reasons that angel number 111 is especially powerful is that itā€™s a master number. A master number is one in which numbers in the sequence repeat. As the number repeats in the sequence, the influence of the individual number that makes up the sequence is magnified ā€“ in this case, the number 1.

Indeed, people from ancient cultures, as well as modern-day believers in angel numbers, attest that master numbers are symbols of great power.

Angel Number 3

Another number that influences angel number 111 meaning is the number 3 because the number 1 appears three times. The number 3 (which you can read more about in my posts on 3 meaning and angel number 333) represents wholeness and completion. Thus, it influences 111 angel number meaning in a holistic, or comprehensive, way.

The Power of Number 1 Magnified

At the root of angel number 111 is the power of the number 1 itself. Indeed, this number has held important significance to people from all walks of life for centuries. Here are some of those associations:

Mathematics and Sacred Geometry

Fibonacci Sequence

In mathematics, the number 1 is the first positive number in an infinite sequence of numbers. For those who believe in sacred geometry, the number 1 represents an atom of creation, or one of the building blocks of existence.

The number 1 is also one of the numbers in the Fibonacci number sequence. The Fibonacci sequence goes as follows: Each number after 0 and 1 increases with the sum of the previous two numbers. The pattern looks like this: 0, 1, 1, 2, 3, 5, 8, 13, 21, and so on. (In other words, 0 + 1 = 1, then 1 + 1 = 2, 1 + 2 = 3, 2 + 3 = 5, etc.)

When the Fibonacci number sequence is depicted as a two-dimensional drawing comprised of its measurements, it is represented by a shape that appears repeatedly in nature, which is the spiral. For example, nautilus shells, coiled snakes, a seahorseā€™s or chameleon‘s curling tail, hurricanes, and sunflowers all have spiral patterns.

For followers of sacred geometry, the Fibonacci sequence is just one more example of intelligent design by a divine creator.

In addition, the spiral symbol itself has important symbolic meaning. It represents the notion of something small (like an idea) expanding to become something greater, like a social movement, an artistic masterpiece, or even a business endeavor.

So, for you, this can mean that the 111 angel number is a sign from your guardian angels of your own potential. So, pay attention to those new ideas that pop into your head. Something magnificent can start with you!

Numerology, Astrology, and the Tarot

The Magician

In numerology, the number 1 signifies independence, determination, leadership, and overcoming obstacles.

While in astrology, it is associated with the sign of Aries, as the first sign in the western zodiac. Aries is known to be fiercely determined, fiery, and competitive.

In addition, the 1st House in astrology rules your self-identity as well as how you approach your life.

In the tarot, the number 1 is embodied in the Magician card. The Magician represents knowledge, talent, skill, mastery, and manifestation.

Cultural and Spiritual Significance of 1 and 111

As mentioned above, the philosopher Pythagoras viewed the number 1 as a symbol of the divine creator. Centuries later, the 1st century BCE philosopher Philo of Alexandria referred to the number 1 as ā€œGodā€™s numberā€ and the basis of all things.3

Furthermore, ancient and modern-day philosophers alike have viewed 1 as a symbol of unity.

Biblical Meaning of Angel Number 111

In the Bible, angel number 111 appears in Psalm Chapter 111. The chapter is about praising the glory of God. In this way, the chapter is in line with angel number 111 meaning, which reminds you of your connection to divine energy.

ā€œPraise the Lord. I will extol the Lord with all my heart, in the council of the upright and in the assembly. Great are the works of the Lord; they are pondered by all who delight in themā€¦ā€4

The 111 angel number also appears in Ephesians 1:11, which says,

ā€œIn him we were also chosen, having been predestined according to the plan of him who works out everything in conformity with the purpose of his willā€¦ā€5

Again, this passage relates to our unity with God.

11:1 in the Bhagavad Gita

In the Bhagavad Gita in chapter 11 verse 1, the warrior Arjuna says to the supreme Hindu god Krishna:

ā€œI have heard Your instruction on confidential spiritual matters which You have so kindly delivered unto me, and my illusion is now dispelled.ā€6

Again, in this case, angel number 111 represents the omnipotent presence of divine energy.

6 Reasons Why You Keep Seeing Angel Number 111

God Angel and Student

As a master number, 111 angel number meaning encapsulates the sacred aspects of the number 1 and takes them to a whole new level.

So, if the number 111 captures your attention, you are being presented with messages from your guardian angels about the generous and loving forces at work in the Universe.

Hereā€™s how angel number 111 meanings can be applied in different aspects of your life:

1. Be open to fresh starts or trying new experiences. You are the type of person who should lead from the front!

2. Your guardian angel is reminding you to maintain your autonomy in a relationship or situation. Practice self-care.

3. If you are focusing too much on what others have and you feel envious in some way, your angels are nudging you to shift your focus to your own goals and your own dreams and the skills, knowledge, and work that will help you achieve them.

4. Address your challenges, whether in health, financial, or other matters, with holistic solutions. Face things wholeheartedly; not with halfhearted measures. 

5. A loved one who has passed may be sending you a message to tell you that they are one of your spirit guides and that they are at peace.

6. Hone your intuition and psychic abilities by taking time to meditate, pray, and connect to the divine.

111 Angel Number in Your Love Life and Other Relationships


Your Soulmates

Angel number 111 appears in your life can be a reminder that your soulmates are present ā€“ both those who are in the physical world and those in the spirit world.

  • Your soulmates who have passed are watching over you as you fulfill your purpose in this lifetime.
  • Those who are still on Earth are the people who are closest to you. Cherish those relationships.

Angel number 111 can also signify that you have soulmates alive today whom you have not yet met and they want to connect with you. Remember that it’s the nature of soulmates to find each other, so be open to meeting new people.

Unity with Autonomy

The 111 angel number is the number of unity. Yet it’s also about independence. Thus, itā€™s important when it comes to your soul connection relationships, that you respect each otherā€™s autonomy and give each other the opportunities to grow and evolve.

We should be supportive of and present for those we love. But ultimately, we all have to go through our own personal processes and walk or own paths.

When it comes to angel number 111 and your love life, if you are single and looking for your romantic soulmate, noticing 111 indicates positive changes. After all, it is the angel number of new beginnings. So, a new relationship could be manifesting in your love life.

As you meet new people, consider potential mates in the context of a soul connection. In other words, soul connection relationships are not based on superficial trivialities. They are deep and profound!

Have positive thoughts about what this new relationship will bring to your life and you to theirs. This is how the Law of Attraction works, as like attracts like.

If you are in an established romantic bond, the 111 angel number can appear in your life as a validation that you are meant to be with this person and that you should work to support each otherā€™s long-term personal growth.

111 Meaning and Your Twin Flame

Your twin flame is a person with whom you will feel an immediate, deep connection. Though, the nature of twin flame relationships is that they often come with heavy karma. So, itā€™s likely that when you connect with your twin flame in this lifetime, you will have to address your shared karma.

Often karma will manifests itself in our lives in repeated patterns. If we donā€™t accept certain lessons by facing them head on, we are doomed to repeat negative cycles.

Likewise, healthy behaviors can set a tone and create more positive vibrations in the relationship, which can benefit both of you.

Twin flames are often our greatest teachers because of their irresistible magnetic attraction and soul connection history. After all, it’s the nature of twin flames to challenge each other and push each other’s buttons.

Be true to yourself.

The 111 angel number is the number that says, ā€œTo your own self ā€“ be true.ā€

Angel number 111 meaning as it relates to your twin flame is strong indicator for you to not lose yourself in this relationship.

Your guardian angels could be sending you a message that says, while they acknowledge the powerful attraction you and this person have, any relationship that impacts your moods negatively is one that requires examination.

You want to make sure that this relationship has a healthy effect on your emotional and mental state.

The number 3 aspect in 111 angel number meaning also reminds you that you need to look at the current relationship holistically. In other words, you undoubtedly love the good in the other person, but can you live with the bad?

Ideally, we bring our best selves to our relationships. At the same time, we have to be honest about who we really are and who the other person really is.

Compatibility is about authenticity. When angel number 111 appears in your life, it can be a sign to view this relationship in terms of your authentic self: who you are as a person, your lifestyle, your values, your goals, your purpose, and what makes you truly happy.

On a soul level, twin flames are among our greatest teachers. The twin flame relationship can be an ultimate test of being true to who you are. Sometimes this could mean you need to break free from it, no matter how strong the attraction is. Is it time for a new chapter? Your angels could be nudging you to strike out on your own path.

For a more detailed view on what angel number 111 means for romantic love, be sure to check out my dedicated post on 111 angel number meaning in love.

111 Meaning in Money

When it comes to money, financial matters, and your career, angel number 111 is a good sign that a new phase is beginning in your life, which will bring good fortune.

One of the important messages that your angels may be sending to you regarding money is to remember to use your innate gifts. These can be your natural abilities, or aptitudes, as well as your interests and experiences.

When you do so you will not only increase the odds of more financial abundance coming your way, you will also be fulfilling your soul’s purpose. After all, your combination of gifts are unique to you.

In fact, even negative experiences that you go through can be funneled into powering your gifts. An example of this might be a former drug addict who becomes an addiction counselor. Through their own experience, they have the power to connect with someone who is suffering and who wants to overcome a challenge in a way that someone else might be ill-equipped.

When you harness all the power of your life experiences with your interests and your natural abilities, you will be fulfilling your life purpose. In addition, you increase the odds of creating  financial independence for yourself. Remember that angel number 111 is all about being independent!

After all, money is just a crystallized form of energy and using your soul energy is the best way to manifest it for yours and the higher good.

What does 111 mean in your work and career?

As referenced above, the 111 angel number as it relates to work and your career is about knowing who you really are and standing in the truth about what you truly value. It also signifies understanding what you are naturally good at. Seeing the angel number 111 is also a sign to hone your gifts and expand your abilities.

Since it’s also the angel number that signifies a new beginning, seeing 111 can be a positive sign for a new job or new creative of business adventure.

If you’re thinking about switching careers, ask your inner voice if doing so will put you on the path to fulfilling your life’s purpose. If you believe this, then even when things get challenging, you’ll still have the self-confidence to know you’re heading in the right direction.

111 Spiritual Meaning in Your Life

As mentioned above, renowned philosophers, such as Pythagoras and Philo of Alexandria, saw the number 1 as a symbol of a divine creator. Thus, the 111 angel number carries a divine message that angelic guidance is all around you.

Seeing the 111 angel number can be a way for your guardian angels to remind you of your own connection to universal wisdom. Even if you have periods where you feel disconnected or out of touch, your angels are confirming the ultimate connection that you have with your Higher Power.

In 111 angel number meaning, the role of the number 3 (as referenced in my post on 333 meanings) manifests itself as the number 1 appearing three times. The number 3 is an auspicious number in many of the worldā€™s religions.

In fact, a number of these faiths recommend three rules, or three practices, to achieve enlightenment. When we achieve enlightenment, we are fully integrated with our Higher Power.

Your guardian angels ā€“ indeed, every ascended master or enlightened spirit ā€“ experienced challenges and opportunities in the material world. Even if you are going through a hard time, angel number 111 reaffirms that you have the opportunity to renew yourself through faith and to start fresh.

What does 111 mean in health?

111 meaning as it relates to health matters is the angel number of self-care. It’s also a sign to view your health matters in a holistic and complete way.

While itā€™s important to address and treat acute symptoms, 111 angel number meaning implies a broader integration. To experience your highest vitality, look for ways that will help your mind, body, and spirit to thrive.

Angel Number 111 in the Law of Attraction and Manifestation


111 angel number meaning is a positive sign when it comes to the Law of Attraction and manifestation. The Law of Attraction works when you exude positive vibrations and align yourself with what you want to attract.

Thus, angel number 111 lends itself well to this philosophy because it blends the pioneering spirit of the number 1 with the creative power of the number 3.

Furthermore, the number 1 is a symbol of the winner as well as the Magician. So, put yourself in a winning mindset to manifest what you want to make happen!

Angel number 111 reminds you to apply your knowledge, talent, and skills to what you visualize. In this way, you can achieve your dreams.

111 Meaning Summary: Divine Light Is Guiding You

In summary, the 111 angel number is beautiful symbol of the presence of your Higher Power. Itā€™s also a reminder from your guardian angels to be true to yourself and to be open to new possibilities. You have the miraculous potential to do good work and to achieve your dreams in this lifetime!


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Kristen M. Stanton

Hello. Thanks for visiting UniGuide. My name is Kristen and I started UniGuide as a tribute to nature, animals, and spiritual exploration. I hope you enjoy your experience here!